About us

  EARTHBURG represents humanitarian portal including sections on philosophy, history of fine arts, aesthetics, such visual kinds of art as sculpture, painting, graphics, photo and also literary section of poetry and prose.

  Strategy of EARTHBURG is substantial reflection of condition of listed above humanitarian sciences and arts mainly classical and progressive, but not extreme forms in Russia of second half of XX - beginning of XXI centuries.
  Structure of the portal includes sections of "Events", "News", "Magazine", list of sites forming with EARTHBURG common space, "Archives". Portal is duplicated in Russian and English languages.

  Portal is developed by POLESTAR WEB-DESIGN STUDIO.

  Ragim Ragimov - technical director: general technical management, design

  Eugenia Agafoshina - PR-director: PR, promotion, advertising

  Gillian McIver - curator of the English version of the site: information support, editing

  Stanislav Ivanitsky - curator of the department of visual arts: content, editing, PR

  Yurii Proskuryakov - consultant of the literature department

  Oleg Tjutenkov - author of DB "Lexicon of Art"

  Margarita Rjabinkina - author of DB "Lexicon of Art"

  Den Vlasnev - programming

  Dmitry Verkholetov - processing of color materials, color correction

  Rodion Djomochkin - html page-making, graphic works

  Elena Hlystova - preparation and processing of textual and illustrative materials

  Julia Yusupova - preparation and processing of textual and illustrative materials, html page-making

  Editor in chief (Director) of EARTHBURG project - Dmitry Ivanov-Snejko: idea, structure, content, general management