1969 - was born in city Zaporozhye.
1984-1988 - after graduating from art school (class painting) studies in state art school of Donetsk. Graduated from Art school of Donetsk, class of painting.
1997 - beginning of work in photography. Works simultaneously in various creative genres: painting, levkas, objects and photography. From time to time makes simple toys and paints Easter eggs. Above this engages in literary experiments, which realises in the genre of «Author's book».
1989 - moves to the city of Novgorod. Works in applied art and painting.
Everything that Inna creates is penetrated by feminity. Her works, as a rule, are hand made and individual. Her interests much more wider than work in workshop, and it is well visible in her works. Usually her plots are dedicated to ordinary, on the first sight, things and events: falling of leaves, snow, sunset, rainbow, solar path of light, night, line of a coast, rainbow. But each time she surprises of a spectator by opening in the habitual phenomena of unexpected momentary secrets, imperceptible for others. And looking on her photos it is possible to say that Novgorod is the loveliest place in the world.